30 avril 2013

Bad Teeth

Here is the dawning I made for BAD TEETH Zine Factory #3.
(with my version of Glenn Mander's Cheese character)


Some other pages of this "guest artist" special issue:

26 avril 2013

Creak! said the bed

Several years ago, I started working on a children's book project: "Creak said the bed!" written by Phyllis Root,
with whom I had worked on "The House that Jill Built" (Walker books-UK/Candlewick Press-US)
("La maison de Lulu" en français, traduit au Père Castor).
I made ​​sketches, but then I had a hand accident and it could not work for six months, so we had 
to wait until my hand gets better to do the coloring. Finally the publisher decided to cancel the project.

I found the sketches yesterday, so I share with you :)
The story works somewhat like "the house that Jill built" in the form of gradual accumulation, 
with a suspense that goes gradually too, and a "theatral" end. And it sounds like a song.

I looked on the internet today and saw that the book exists. it was finally brought to life by another illustrator.

22 avril 2013

Le gros chien de petit monsieur

Quelques images extraites d'un livre qui n'est pas tout récent: "Le Gros Chien de Petit Monsieur".

Gros Chien part en ballade...

A la maison

Chez le psy

Chez le vétérinaire

Texte: Clothilde Bernos / Illustrations: Delphine Durand 
Editions Milan 2001 - collection Milan Poche